S.A.D. Sun Allergy Diaries

I grew up on the beach.
At age 11, I developed an allergy to the sun which awakened a feeling of artificiality in me.
Suddenly I had to start protecting myself from nature… from something considered beautiful, nourishing and relaxing.
Ever since I have been developing systems of protection so my story could have a happy ending.
This journey inspired this collection.


S.A.D. “Day 1: funbathing as a new me”

Photos captured in my hometown, where I developed the condition.

Photos captured in my hometown, where I developed the condition.

SiiGii S.A.D. Day 1 Funbathing as a new me
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 1 Funbathing as a new me
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 1 Funbathing as a new me
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 1 Funbathing as a new me
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 1 Funbathing as a new me
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 1 Funbathing as a new me
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 1 Funbathing as a new me

Further notes:

“FUNBATHING AS A NEW ME” was designed to transmit that my sun allergy makes me feel artificial, and to share this artificiality with others through performance.
I found that my artificial character had more freedom in nature than the “natural” me. I felt new and naive like it was my first day on earth. This sensation was magnified by people at the beach gathering and staring. They didn’t know the details, but they knew I was dealing with reality in a different way, in a way that worked for me.
Many observed my experience and some even became part of it by playing with me or letting me ride in their boat.
By accepting and embodying my old feeling of artificiality I was able to transform it into joy, freedom and belonging in the space.

Concept, Direction, Design, Construction, Performed by SiiGii (@is_siigii)
Photography Marc Espinosa (@thenyuman)