S.A.D. Sun Allergy Diaries

I grew up on the beach.
At age 11, I developed an allergy to the sun which awakened a feeling of artificiality in me.
Suddenly I had to start protecting myself from nature… from something considered beautiful, nourishing and relaxing.
Ever since I have been developing systems of protection so my story could have a happy ending.
This journey inspired this collection.


S.A.D. “Day 3: delimited freedom“

Photos captured in my hometown, where I developed the condition.

Photos captured in my hometown, where I developed the condition.

SiiGii S.A.D. Day 3 Delimited Freedom
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 3 Delimited Freedom
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 3 Delimited Freedom
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 3 Delimited Freedom
SiiGii S.A.D. Day 3 Delimited Freedom

Further Notes:

“DELIMITED FREEDOM” captures the duality of the word by exploring its inevitable attachment to limits.
All places and situations give you only a certain amount of freedom. In many cases, the delimiting lines are very bold and give you a clear vision of your situation.
This piece I created draws very clear and visual limits of my freedom from the sun, but in other areas, like nudity, the lines are more blurry………….
as I had freedom from the sun but not from censorship.

Concept, Direction, Design, Construction, Performed by SiiGii (@is_siigii)
Photography Marc Espinosa (@thenyuman)